Italian tomato, baguette and basil salad by BBQ chef Andreas Rummel
In this heat, only a light Italian salad, ready in half an hour, will do! If you divide it into smaller portions, even 12 people can enjoy it. You'll need:...
Anatomy of a grill: what to look for when choosing one
To make grilling your favourite hobby, it is important to choose a grill that allows you to enjoy both the process and the result. It's time to study the grill...
Refreshing prawn and tomato cocktail by Andreas Rummel
This prawn and tomato cocktail was made by Andreas Rummel on 6 March 2019. at the Master Class! You will need: ShrimpSweet chilli sauceThumb-sized piece of gingerSaltMustardCherry tomatoesLimeOlive oilBlack sesame...
Top grills by lifestyle
For travellers Hungry hunters grill in the moss in the woods, fishermen grill by the lake or the seashore, car travellers grill at campsites or on the side of the...
Grilled pizza with bacon, caramelised onions and blue cheese on the COBB grill
And the portable touring grill can also be used to cook a crispy and delicious pizza! Number of servings: 2 For the pizza you will need COBB Pan Premier. Ingredients...
What a gas grill can and cannot do
Fresh air, sunshine, lake or sea, terrace or garden, the company of good friends and the most delicious grilled food - the evocative idyll of grilling? And what if we...
Hot-smoked salmon: tips and recipe
It doesn't matter where you catch your salmon: in the river, in the Baltic Sea or at the market. Any fisherman or fish lover who appreciates the benefits and flavour...
Easy to prepare cranberry and Jack Daniel's sauce
The fresh and sweet taste of cranberry and Jack Daniel's sauce is best served with grilled turkey! Preparation: 15 min. 40 min. on direct heat Serves 6 people Ingredients: 20...
Succulent shish kebabs: avoid these top 10 mistakes when grilling
Without a doubt, food is at its tastiest in nature, in the fresh air, when your appetite, like a wild beast, is getting hard to tame! When you're hungry, you...
Kuo skiriasi tiesioginė, netiesioginė kaitra ir kaip jas derinti
Atėjo laikas pakalbėti apie tai, kas nulemia griliavimo sėkmę. Kokybiškas gaminys? Ekologiškos anglys? Yra tiesos. Tačiau grilio ir barbekiu ekspertai labiau yra linkę pabrėžti laiko, gaminamo maisto vidinės temperatūros bei grilio...
Sultingas jautienos steikas su mėlynojo sūrio sviestu ir karamelizuotais svogūnais
Mėlynojo sūrio sūrumas ir karamelizuotų svogūnų saldumas - visa tai susipina viename jautienos steiko recepte ir sukuria puikų skonio derinį. Esame tikri, jog šis receptas nepaliks abejingų! Porcijos užteks...
Gardžiai traškūs plėšytos vištienos ir raudonųjų kopūstų suktinukai
Šilta grilinta vištiena su vėsiomis raudono kopūsto salotomis – vieno kąsnio užkandis, puikiai tiksiantis bet kokiam vakarėliui ar leidžiant laiką gamtoje! Užkandyje susipina visi įmanomi skoniai: saldus rūgštumas, aitrumas, sūrumas. Šiuos...