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Lengvai paruošiamas spanguolių ir Jack Daniel’s padažas

Easy to prepare cranberry and Jack Daniel's sauce

The fresh and sweet taste of cranberry and Jack Daniel's sauce is best served with grilled turkey!

Preparation: 15 min. 40 min. on direct heat

Serves 6 people


20 g salted butter

1 finely chopped onion

400 g cranberries

200 ml Jack Daniel's whisky

100 g brown sugar

1 tbsp. "Black Treacle black syrup

1 tbsp cayenne pepper

6 tbsp apple cider vinegar


  1. Heat a heavy-based frying pan over a medium heat.
  2. Melt the butter, add the cranberries, the onion and 4 tbsp butter, and then add the cranberries, the onion and 4 tbsp butter. 4 tablespoons of water. Cook all the ingredients for about 10 minutes until the onion and cranberries are soft.
  3. Then stir in the sugar, whisky, cayenne pepper, vinegar and black syrup. Leave to simmer for about 20-30 minutes, until the sauce has darkened and become viscous and sticky.
  4. Remove the sauce from the heat and, if you want to keep the sauce smooth, puree it in a blender (in a blender).
  5. Allow the sauce to cool completely before serving, so that all the flavours can develop and the sauce can thicken.

This cranberry sauce is delicious with turkey! 


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