Helovyno sausainiai / COBB grilis
Jei švęsti - tai kuo smagiau ir įdomiau! Helovynui jums siūlome grilyje išsikepti skaniuosius sausainius. Moliūgų, vaiduoklių ar bet kokios kitos formos ar spalvos sausainius gaminti patiks ir vaikams, ir suaugusiems....
Stuffed peppers for Halloween / COBB grill
For Halloween, which is becoming more and more popular in Lithuania, we suggest making peppers stuffed with stuffing, pumpkin and other vegetables. Although the recipe is mainly for mobile COBB grills owners, it...
Grilinti smidrai azijietišku stiliumi | pagal COBB "Anywhere BUT The Kitchen"
Smidrai (šparagai) atranda vis daugiau gerbėjų Lietuvoje. Smidrai - tobulas pasirinkimas ne tik grilinant namuose, bet ir išvykoje: paruošite greitai, o mėgausis jais ir dideli, ir maži. Jie puikiai tinka...
Even more chocolate! COBB chocolate cake not just for Easter
What's a celebration without a mouth-watering slice of the world's most delicious cake or pie? Chocolate lovers, hold on: we've got the recipe for the most chocolatey cake-cake ever! Chocolate...
LAVA Cake chocolate cakes baked on the COBB grill
"Lava cakes are popular with foodies all over the world: they are both incredibly tasty and spectacular with their unexpected interior. Want to try it? No fancy ingredients are needed...