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Grills represent a true barbecue renaissance! The growing popularity of barbecue culture allows you to discover different flavours, cuisines and dishes grilled on the barbecue. High-quality barbecue grills not only give you great pleasure when tasting, but also when cooking or smoking. Grills come in different types, sizes and designs. Some are fuelled by wood, coal or briquettes, others by natural or liquefied gas and electricity. Some weigh just a few kilograms and are portable, others are becoming an integral part of the outdoor kitchen.

This variety has been prompted by the wishes and needs of customers. What are they? For those who appreciate the real aroma of smoke and do not mind getting their hands dirty when setting up the grill, charcoal grills are the best choice. These are grills fired with compressed briquettes, coconut charcoal briquettes or charcoal. They take about 30 minutes to set up, but the slower process of setting up and cooking is actually more enjoyable for some enthusiasts - a form of relaxation.

If you like travelling, spending time in nature, hunting, fishing or at the farmhouse - camping grills are the best choice. They are lightweight, compact and space-saving, but will feed the whole family or even a group of friends in no time! If it's just a few people, grill a steak or fish, if you want to feed a group, grill a large piece of pork neck, throw some potatoes on the side - the meal will cook at high temperatures just as well, and most importantly - everyone will be fed!

For those living in the city, we recommend electric grills. These are mostly small grills that are perfect for the balcony, terrace or kitchen at home if you have a really good cooker hood! These grills heat up in just five minutes and there's no need to use any extra fat when grilling: not only will your food be healthier, but it will also be served quickly and efficiently!

Like electric grills, gas grills heat up in minutes. It also maintains a constant cooking temperature: your food will cook evenly without losing its juices. Often these grills are tourist grills: all you need is a gas cylinder and a quality product and you'll have a successful trip to the countryside! When you want to give a specific smoky aroma to your meal, use fire herbs, wood blocks or a cylinder which should be filled with wood chips and other flavouring additives. For hot or cold smoked fish or meat, the same cylinder can be used for hot smoking and a smoke generator for cold. The most important thing is that gas grills have lids when smoking fish or meat.

If you want to do more than just fry or smoke, you want to set the temperature precisely, fry a crispy crust, or use the grill as an oven - kamado grills are the solution. These grills are renowned for their functionality, tightness and expertly cooked meals! If an outdoor kitchen is a dream come true, we recommend built-in grills. If you want to decorate a garden or a large backyard, open grills and fire pits are the way to go. They will create a cosy atmosphere: you can enjoy the warmth of the fire, the crackle of the fire, the fresh air and the delicious dishes!

Trailer grills are most suitable for business. These are huge grills that can both grill and smoke huge quantities of food. You will most often see trailers at events, music festivals, city fetes, private business events - wherever large crowds gather.

462 Results

462 Results

Digital - Kamado Joe Konnected Joe, Ø 46cm
Kamado Joe

Digital - Kamado Joe Konnected Joe, Ø 46cm

2,199.00 €

Unit price

2,199.00 €

Unit price

Stylish fireplace-table Augoust Brasero Lounge, corten, with drawer
brasero lounge

1,599.00 €

Unit price

Dujinis grilis NAPOLEON Phantom Prestige 500 RSIB su šviečiančia panele ir šoniniu degikliu, matinis juodas Газовый гриль NAPOLEON Phantom Prestige 500 RSIB с подсветкой и боковой горелкой, черный матовый
Dujinis grilis NAPOLEON Phantom Prestige 500 RSIB su šviečiančia panele ir šoniniu degikliu, matinis juodas Газовый гриль NAPOLEON Phantom Prestige 500 RSIB с подсветкой и боковой горелкой, черный матовый

2,699.00 €

Unit price

Kelioninis / pikniko grilis COBB Kitchen in a BOX (Premier AIR), anglinis, Ø 33cm Гриль для путешествий/пикника COBB Kitchen in a BOX (Premier AIR), угольный, Ø 33см

349.00 €

Unit price

Fire pit with table and cooking plate Augoust Plancha Table

Fire pit with table and cooking plate Augoust Plancha Table

3,300.00 €

Unit price

3,300.00 €

Unit price

Rinkinys picos mylėtojams NAPOLEON, 4 vnt., Ø 35,4 cm Набор для любителей пиццы NAPOLEON, 4 шт., Ø 35,4 см
Rinkinys picos mylėtojams NAPOLEON, 4 vnt., Ø 35,4 cm Набор для любителей пиццы NAPOLEON, 4 шт., Ø 35,4 см

Set for pizza lovers NAPOLEON, 4 pieces, Ø 35,4 cm

5.0 (2)

85.00 €

Unit price

85.00 €

Unit price

Rankų darbo japoniško stiliaus 3 peilių rinkinys STYLE DE VIE Olive Forged
Rankų darbo japoniško stiliaus 3 peilių rinkinys STYLE DE VIE Olive Forged
Sold out

Kitchen knife set STYLE DE VIE Olive Forged

170.00 €

Unit price

170.00 €

Unit price

Masterbuilt Gravity Series 800 digital-charcoal grill-smoker, 140 cm x 129 cm x 77 cm

1,099.00 €

Unit price

Nešiojamas dujinis grilis NAPOLEON PHANTOM TRAVELQ PRO 285X su sulankstomu vežimėliu
Nešiojamas dujinis grilis NAPOLEON PHANTOM TRAVELQ PRO 285X su sulankstomu vežimėliu

499.00 €

Unit price

Anglinis grilis NAPOLEON PRO Kettle Ø 57 cm Угольный гриль NAPOLEON PRO Kettle Ø 57 см
Anglinis grilis NAPOLEON PRO Kettle Ø 57 cm Угольный гриль NAPOLEON PRO Kettle Ø 57 см

NAPOLEON PRO Kettle Ø 57 cm

5.0 (2)

359.00 €

Unit price

359.00 €

Unit price

NAPOLEON PRO Kettle with table, Ø 57 cm

NAPOLEON PRO Kettle with table, Ø 57 cm

5.0 (1)

489.00 €

Unit price

489.00 €

Unit price

Dujinis grilis NAPOLEON PHANTOM Rogue RSE425RSIBPMK-1-PHM, juodas matinis Газовый гриль NAPOLEON PHANTOM Rogue RSE425RSIBPMK-1-PHM, черный матовый
Dujinis grilis NAPOLEON PHANTOM Rogue RSE425RSIBPMK-1-PHM, juodas matinis Газовый гриль NAPOLEON PHANTOM Rogue RSE425RSIBPMK-1-PHM, черный матовый

Gas grill NAPOLEON PHANTOM Rogue RSE425RSIBPMK-PHM, matt black

5.0 (1)

1,590.00 €

Unit price

1,590.00 €

Unit price

Elektrinis grilis NAPOLEON TravelQ PRO285E turi 37 x 54 cm kepimo plotą, iki 300 °C išgaunantį kaitinimo elementą bei kitus privalumus. Profesionalus grilis, kuris puikiai derės balkone ar terasoje. Iš GRILIAI.LT. Электрогриль NAPOLEON TravelQ PRO285E имеет площадь приготовления 37 х 54 см, нагревательный элемент, вытягивающий до 300°С, и другие преимущества. Профессиональный гриль, который идеально впишется на балконе или террасе. От GRILIAI.LT.
Elektrinis grilis NAPOLEON TravelQ PRO285E yra kompaktiškas, bet talpus. Vienu kartu iškepsite tiek maisto, jog pavalgys devyni žmonės! Электрогриль NAPOLEON TravelQ PRO285E компактный, но вместительный. Вы испечете столько еды за один раз, что ее съедят девять человек!

Portable electric grill NAPOLEON TRAVELQ PRO285E, power 2,2 kW

5.0 (2)

369.00 €

Unit price

369.00 €

Unit price

Grilinimo indas NAPOLEON Wok Блюдо для гриля NAPOLEON Wok
Grilinimo indas NAPOLEON Wok Блюдо для гриля NAPOLEON Wok

Grilling dish NAPOLEON Wok, 31 x 30 x 7 cm

40.00 €

Unit price

40.00 €

Unit price

Kulinarinis švirkštas NAPOLEON mėsai marinuoti su dviejų dydžių adatomis – IŠ GRILIAI.LT.
NAPOLEON nerūdijančio plieno kulinarinis švirkštas mėsai marinuoti - kepsninės, griliai, rūkyklos - GRILIAI.LT

Stainless steel pickling syringe NAPOLEON

5.0 (1)

30.00 €

Unit price

30.00 €

Unit price

Nelimpančio paviršiaus mėsainių spaustuvai NAPOLEON iš GRILIAI.LT.

Meatball clamps NAPOLEON, 3-in-1 (set)

5.0 (1)

25.00 €

Unit price

25.00 €

Unit price

Kordierito keramikos šildymo lentynėlė NAPOLEON Полка нагревательная из кордиеритовой керамики NAPOLEON
Kordierito keramikos šildymo lentynėlė NAPOLEON Полка нагревательная из кордиеритовой керамики NAPOLEON

Heating shelf NAPOLEON, 595 x 133 x 16,2 mm

25.00 €

Unit price

25.00 €

Unit price

Dujinis grilis WEBER Spirit E-325S su GBS, su papildomu degikliu, juodas
Dujinis grilis WEBER Spirit E-325S su GBS, su papildomu degikliu, juodas

1,049.00 €

Unit price

Travel/picnic grill COBB Premier AIR, carbon Ø 33 cm

Travel/picnic grill COBB Premier AIR, carbon Ø 33 cm

5.0 (3)

239.00 €

Unit price

239.00 €

Unit price

WEBER Master-Touch GBS Premium charcoal grill with deflector and GBS attachment, Ø 57 cm
Anglinis grilis WEBER Master-Touch GBS Premium iš GRILIAI.LT – 2019 metų naujiena, verta dėmesio. Tai grilis ir rūkykla viename. Grilinkite kepsnius, troškinkite wok’us ar picas – pasinaudokite GBS sistemos privalumais.

469.00 €

Unit price

Kelioninis / pikniko grilis COBB Supreme, anglinis
Anglinis grilis COBB Supreme: tai 34 x 48 cm grilis, universali lėkštė, grotelės, pakėlimo rankena bei krepšys viename.

Travel/picnic charcoal grill COBB Supreme

319.00 €

Unit price

319.00 €

Unit price

Dujinis grilis NAPOLEON Travelq PRO285X iš GRILIAI.LT – geriausias kelionių draugas. Grilinkite įvairų maistą būdami gamtoje, žvejyboje ar medžioklėje. Газовый гриль NAPOLEON Travelq PRO285X от GRILIAI.LT - лучший попутчик. Готовьте разнообразные блюда на природе, на рыбалке или охоте.
Dujinis grilis NAPOLEON Travelq PRO285X tiks tiek terasoje ar sode, tiek kelionėse. Sveria vos 29 kilogramus, yra lengvai nešiojamas, o maistas iškepa toks pat nuostabus! Газовый гриль NAPOLEON Travelq PRO285X подходит как для террасы, так и для сада и путешествий. При весе всего 29 кг его легко носить с собой, а пища выпекается так же потрясающе!

NAPOLEON TRAVELQ PRO285X portable gas grill with folding trolley

5.0 (1)

469.00 €

Unit price

469.00 €

Unit price

WEBER picos pjaustyklė - kepsninės, griliai, rūkyklos - GRILIAI.LT
WEBER picos pjaustyklė - kepsninės, griliai, rūkyklos - GRILIAI.LT

Pizza slicer WEBER

30.00 €

Unit price

30.00 €

Unit price

Nešiojamas, mobilus anglinis grilis NAPOLEON Kettle – iš GRILIAI.LT. Tilps 16 mėsainių – pavalgys tiek šeima, tiek draugai.
Nešiojamas, mobilus anglinis grilis NAPOLEON Kettle – iš GRILIAI.LT. Tilps 16 mėsainių – pavalgys tiek šeima, tiek draugai.

NAPOLEON Kettle Ø 57 cm

249.00 €

Unit price

249.00 €

Unit price

WEBER Master-Touch charcoal grill with GBS system Ø 57 cm, khaki

389.00 €

Unit price

Nešiojamas dujinis grilis NAPOLEON TRAVELQ PRO285 Портативный газовый гриль NAPOLEON TRAVELQ PRO285
Nešiojamas dujinis grilis NAPOLEON TRAVELQ PRO285 Портативный газовый гриль NAPOLEON TRAVELQ PRO285

369.00 €

Unit price

Picos akmuo, Ø 36 cm. Plokščias kepimo akmuo
Picos akmuo, Ø 36 cm. Plokščias kepimo akmuo

Pizza stone, Ø 36 cm

34.00 €

Unit price

34.00 €

Unit price

WEBER Master-Touch charcoal grill with GBS system Ø 57 cm, ocean blue - New

389.00 €

Unit price

Anglinis grilis WEBER Original Kettle su elektronine uždegimo sistema, pelenų dėklu, termometru, karščiui atspariu korpusu ¬– visiems grilinimo entuziastams.
Anglinis grilis WEBER Original Kettle – neįtikėtinai gardiems valgiams grilinti. Pavyks tiek terasoje, tiek gamtoje!

WEBER Original Kettle E-5710, 57 cm

279.00 €

Unit price

279.00 €

Unit price

WEBER Go-Anywhere carbon portable grill
„Tuck-N-Carry“ dangčio užraktas

WEBER Go-Anywhere carbon portable grill

124.99 €

Unit price

124.99 €

Unit price