Barbecue even on Laisvės Avenue grills even in Laisvės avenue! With the COBB travel grill you can cook anywhere, anything, anytime.
Barbecue Day with COBB
Grilling is much more than just preparing food on the heat. It's also a fun activity, an increasingly addictive and fascinating hobby, a way of socialising, and a fun and...
COBB Seminar - Tasting
Barbecuing is not only something you want to do in your own backyard, but also when you're out in nature or travelling. Especially those who live in apartments miss it....
TRAEGER pellet grill presentation / Demo day
It's a pity there's no way to convey the flavour and aroma we enjoyed with photos! Our shop and its surroundings were enticing from afar with the smells of real...
COBB grilio seminaras
Vis dar šypsomės prisiminę COBB grilio seminarą! Ar gali būti kitaip - juk susirinko žingeidi, linksmai nusiteikusi, puikiai skonius išmananti verslo žmonių kompanija. Tokioje atmosferoje dalintis žiniomis apie krevečių, upėtakių,...
Become a grill master without the hassle! 5 grilling tricks you need to know
Although grilling may seem like a complicated process, anyone can actually grill - all you need to know is a few simple things and the right preparation, and then it's...
- - Grilių sezono atidarymo šventė su žymiuoju šefu Gian Luca de Marco
Buvo labai karšta grilių sezono atidarymo šventėje. Čia virtuoziškai grilino, savo patarimus apie ruošiamus patiekalus bei skirtingas kepsnines dalino žavusis, be galo charizmatiškas italų šefas Gian Luca de Marco. Mūsų...
We are opening the season with a great offer for our customers - up to 20% discount on the entire range. Yes, absolutely everything - COBB travel grills, NAPOLEON gas...
Granulinės kepsninės - grilių pasaulio ateitis
Jeigu mėgstate kepti ant medžio anglių ir užuosti tą nuostabų dūmo kvapą patiekaluose, tačiau jau pavargote nuo to, kad nuolat reikia gaudyti temperatūrą - jūs tiesiog privalote išgirsti apie granulinius grilius! Būtent jie yra...
TRAEGER - Creator of innovative solutions in the world of grills
If you have ever been interested in pellet grills, we are the company that has the best solutions for you. pellet(pellet) grills, you have undoubtedly heard of the company TRAEGERwhich...
A good fan is a satiated fan! Buy GRILIAI.LT and get BRALIUKAI gifts
GRILIAI.LT together with BRALIUKI say: a good basketball fan is a satisfied fan! And to make watching basketball games even tastier, more nutritious and more fun - we are giving...
Fishing and grilling on ice
Welcome to Sunday morning with TV3 LA MAISTAS. Here's a slightly unusual place to get a drink. The host, Italian Gian Luca Demarco, was fishing and grilling on a frozen pond....